Why can online dating be good? 3 quick reasons
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
That's not what your parents did, but people do nowadays. You might be thinking traditional ways of finding a partner is more romantic. You might find it weird to meet someone online, and e-conversations aren't real.
You may be right.
In this post, I will make a case for online dating because I am an online dating and couples photographer. Also, I have been the wedding photographer for tens of couples who met online. I have many friends who had a Tinder date, and they have been happily together since then. I also genuinely think that online dating can be excellent. Let's discuss. :)
You get to meet people from a broader range.
Although we may be imagining otherwise, we live in a smaller network than we think. The number of likes you can online and several people you are in touch with through social apps may make you feel like you know many people. But the number of people you come together with is very few. Your chances of finding the right person within this range can be limited. If you date online, you will see more people from networks you have never been to.
Finding out more before the first meeting
Online dating may sound sort of scary. We tend to think meeting a stranger is risky. That can be true, yes. Also, look at it like this - before the first coffee date, you will be able to see their complete profile, maybe even on Instagram or Linkedin. You will see their hobbies and interests, reducing the risk of not matching. Having a partner with the same hobbies can make a beautiful relationship.
Having options
We live in an immediate consumption culture; it comes with pros and cons. We have much more options than our parents had. If you use this opportunity well, you can see other options before having a date or settling down with someone. You may be able to say, "I have seen other options and chose the best for me."
Online dating also helps you move on quickly without hassle. If you find you won't get along, want different things from the life or relationship, or start getting early warning signs, you don't have to hang out any further and move on to the following online conversation.
Which of these above sounds reasonable to you?